This site is built using a variety of third-party tools and services.
It was produced using an Apple MacBook Pro, with Fireworks used to realise early design concepts and ideas, before then being marked up as HTML in Dreamweaver. I use and recommend (mt) Media Temple for web hosting.
Entries, articles and supporting pages for this site are published using the Movable Type 4 publishing platform, alongside a number of supporting plugins:
- Markdown and SmartyPants by John Gruber
- FlickrPhotos by Marc Carey
- Fire Eagle Plugin by Ben Trott
- Action Streams by Mark Paschal
- Gravatar by Automattic
- MT-Regex by Brad Choate
I have also referenced the following articles:
- Compose to a Vertical Rhythm and Web Typography by Richard Rutter
- Font Stacks by Unit Interactive
- Awesompersands by Patrick Haney
- Ghost in the Machine Tags by Jeremy Keith
I always try to adhere to Web Standards and best practices. As such, HTML markup should validate as HTML 5, visual design is provided using valid CSS, and the syndicated feed is valid RSS. Behaviour and effects are programmed using the JQuery JavaScript framework, and an extra layer of semanticism is available thanks to Microformats.
Stats are tracked with Mint.