
Wow, belated happy birthday! Well, for me, every year is a milestone. You just don't know what to expect but still you anticipate for something, which is usually big. Just enjoy being 26. :) It only comes once in life.

Stephanie's Gravatar Stephanie 1 Sep 2006
4:54 AM

Lloydy; excellent website; hell of a lot of interesting stuff on here; didnt know you had been to Rome; I went there back in March for the marathon; absolutely loved it; probably more than you judging by your comments; but I think it was quite a bit cooler at that time, and for me all the historic monuments were outstanding... still, ended up with blood blisters under 5 toes; just got over those recently, so time to do another marathon; doing Dublin at end of October.

Love the photos taken every mile; Im going to try that trick; you know I left a voicemail for you yesterday; is there any chance of you designing an html email for me to get sponsorship for the marathon; in aid of Crisis homeless charity... be great if you could; sounds like you had a good birthday; when are you back off to the States?

On the subject of learning; I think you carry on learning just as much after your 20s; maybe alot of people dont though; I think alot of people get comfortable with their position and stop looking around, but Im learning more now than I ever have.... especially working for a company like Cisco!


mike robertson's Gravatar mike robertson 26 Aug 2006
3:58 PM

...and of course we will all (continue to) make mistakes regardless of our age and how much 'wisdom' we gain.

I think this underlines perhaps the conclusion I came to, that between the ages of 16 and 26, we lay the foundations. We are given new responsibilities (we are allowed onto the roads, into the pubs and into the voting booths), we have to learn to live on our own and take care of ourselves, and we get the qualifications and basic understandings of a trade that can support that. But these are just the basics, and perhaps the much harder stuff is still to come.

And, yes you're right, it is very much down to the individual.

Paul's Gravatar Paul 22 Aug 2006
12:37 PM

Hmmm... I may want to revise my previous statement that you do most of your growing up between the ages of 16 - 26. Yeah, it's true, we've grown up a lot, and I can look back at the mistakes I've made and not for the life of me know how I managed to do them...

But I think it's very much to the individual, I know of people 30's, 40's who make mistakes, who do very selfish things to people who're vastly inexperienced in life compared to them. The phrase "they should know better" rings very true. So I would say that some people never learn.

Jon Roobottom's Gravatar Jon Roobottom 22 Aug 2006
12:18 PM

Firstly - Belated birthday wishes.
Secondly - Apologies for not making the other night.
Thirdly - Sunday is the day I like to think as the day where the whole week is wrapped up and gives you chance to take stock. This weekend has been abit hectic and not really had the chance to do that until about an hour ago. Reading this post has topped it all off, and drawn a neat line under it all.

It makes my own journey to this number not seem so bad at all!

Lewis Burden's Gravatar Lewis Burden 20 Aug 2006
11:02 PM

Timeless ideas--love it.

Jonathan Aquino's Gravatar Jonathan Aquino 19 Aug 2006
4:19 PM