Ben Lloyd
14 Jun 2006
12:54 PM
Here in Canada i'm pretty sure that "Unbelievable" was used in a women's hair product TV ad - not too irritating - regardless, TV ads aren't nearly as annoying to me as the ones in other places. That's why they invented the MUTE button...and The Movie Network. :)
Pete Dako
5 Apr 2006
3:25 PM
Thanks for that Paul, I see you're still getting your teeth into that oh-so-good US tv.
Jon Roobottom
30 Mar 2006
8:17 AM
It isn't an iPod advert, and I can't imagine an iPod adevert using a song from how ever many years ago. iPod ads are all about new music and setting trends... I don't think EMF fit into this category sadly.
I should also note that you won't find this ad in the UK, so for my British audience, all guesses are probably null and void!
30 Mar 2006
6:44 AM
Is it an ipod advert?
29 Mar 2006
11:34 PM
One of my favourite US ads is the one i saw for CNN advertising their website. It tag line was
"CNN.com - Now you only need 3 keys on your keyboard"
Now correct me if im wrong but CNN only requires 2 keys - the fools