
Sorry, did I hit a nerve?

Lewis Burden's Gravatar Lewis Burden 21 Mar 2006
1:24 PM

@Lewis: Better still, not long before you'll be able to install a more secure and robust OS on those rot-boxes you call computers!

Paul's Gravatar Paul 21 Mar 2006
5:12 AM

I am so envious.

Krystyn's Gravatar Krystyn 20 Mar 2006
8:32 PM

Intel Inside? I hear you can install Windows on those Mac's now.

Lewis Burden's Gravatar Lewis Burden 20 Mar 2006
5:54 PM

Oh please :)

Jonathan Aquino's Gravatar Jonathan Aquino 18 Mar 2006
4:44 PM

Sure it can. You could have brought me one too, that way you'd have a sense of giving as well... damn you.

trovster's Gravatar trovster 18 Mar 2006
2:28 PM